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Interreg around the CiRCLE

07. June 2023. 15:25
The second MeetUp of the Circletech project was hosted by the Kerekerdő (called “Round forest”) event space in the C/2 building on May 11, 2023.


The gathered researchers and interested parties could hear an excellent presentation on the topics of Interreg Central Europe and Interreg Europe by project manager István Nagy.

 Dr. Endre Dobos, head of the Institute Department of Natural Geography - Environmental Science of the Faculty of Earth Sciences and university professor, and Dr. Roland Szabó, scientific associate of the faculty's Institute of Raw Materials Preparation and Environmental Process Technology, shared their rich experiences in already awarded Interreg tender topics.

 The circle of the event was ended with interactivity, as the participating researchers and interested parties did not remain passive either, but shared and discussed their own project ideas after the questions asked to the presenters and the answers received.

Of course, the circle form of the pizza was neither missing from the occasion, so it gave enough energy for the exchange of ideas and the building of relationships in a good mood.