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4th DAN-CE on the TU Delft Campus

27. June 2023. 13:30
CIRCLETECH project partner, Delft University of Technology (TUD) hosted the 4th DAN-CE event organised by the Dutch Academic Network on Circular Economy.

On 7 June 2023 the Dutch Academic Network on Circular Economy (DAN-CE) met at The Green Village on the TU Delft campus for its 4th event. Using the new National Program Circular Economy | Tweede Kamer der Staten-Generaal, as input, DAN-CE 4 was a one-day event of in-depth discussions, workshops, and high-level keynotes by academia and decision makers on the opportunities and implications of the Circular Economy. The purpose was to advance the academic discussion on CE in the Netherlands, as well as to provide inputs to the CE policy debate. The theme was “From National Program CE to Research Agenda: Academic Perspectives”. Discussions touched on recent policy documents at the EU level, such as the European Critical Raw Materials Act, the Net Zero Industry Act, and the Eco-design for Sustainable Products Regulation Proposal. The event was of high relevance for the CIRCLETECH project, as Prof Andy van den Dobbelsteen (TU Delft) provided the opening speach on  Circularity in the transition plans of TU Delft.