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1st CiRCLETECH Summer School 2023: Circular manufacturing

Our young researchers at TU Delft
08. August 2023. 10:50
4 young researchers from the University of Miskolc participated in the Summer School in May 2023 in Delft: Eszter Borsodi, Dr. Ákos Cservenák, Dr. István Sztankovics and Dr. Péter Veres.

„During the three days in Delft, we listened to lectures mainly on the topic of Circular Manufacturing. There were also speakers from the academic life and corporates. Practical methods were also presented by them and which we applied in practice as part of group work. The participants of the summer school came from different research areas, so it was very interesting to discuss a topic from different points of view. The last day of the summer school was a workshop: our task was to go through the points of a remanufacturability assessment method to analyze how difficult it is to disassemble various electronic devices (e.g.: television) and later recycle, remanufacture, or refurbish its parts.

In addition to the topic of Circular Manufacturing, we were also able to learn important knowledge for a career as a researcher, such as tips related to research grants and scholarships, which proved to be very useful for me as a first-year PhD student. The summer school was also a good opportunity to exchange ideas and build international partnerships, to practice the professional language, and of course to get to know other cultures.

Overall, I think this program can be a great starting point for future joint research and collaborations with researchers from the participating Finnish and Dutch universities.”- told us Eszter Borsodi, PhD student.

„Apart from circular manufacturing, there were also presentations on other topics that were worth listening to also as a post-doctoral lecturer and researcher. One of these was "Criteria for quality publications", where a presentation showed us point by point how to write such a publication. We were also given an insight into EU funding opportunities, both in the form of consortia and individual grants. In addition to the topics covered in the presentations, the event also provided a useful opportunity to build new contacts with participants from the Dutch and Finnish partner universities. In conclusion, this event was an excellent opportunity to launch the collaborations planned in the project and to organize further joint events.

Thank you for the opportunity and I look forward to further opportunities!”- said Dr. Ákos Cservenák.