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„It was a great event. When will be the next one?”

21. June 2023. 12:55
These thoughts were formulated by László Tamás Kaposvári, who was a student participant of the research partner-finding event organized on June 1, 2023 where the researchers of the CiRCLETECH project and the student researchers of the Natural Resources Research and Utilization College (TEKH) and PhD students met.

The leader of the CiRCLETECH project, Dr. Imre Gombkötő explained the possibilities and tasks inherent in the project, and then other interesting lectures were given. The researchers and students presented their own research topics in the spirit of circular economy and sustainability, for which they would like to find research partners.

We heard thought-provoking, inspiring presentations on heat storage options, researches on the recovery of the cobalt content of mine wastes, the development of a digital study trail and we got great ideas about a more sustainable university environment.

We were enriched by listening to the presentation on geopolymers developed from industrial waste and by listening to research on the possibilities of processing e-waste.

The research of the bioleaching process is also a very promising and exciting topic in connection with the recycling of electrical waste.

After the presentations, the event continued with informal professional discussions.

So there are plenty of ideas and tasks. The event offered a good opportunity for our researchers and students to find fellow researchers and thus implement their ideas in the field of the circular economy.