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The Critical Raw Materials Act will equip the EU with the tools to ensure the EU's access to a secure and sustainable supply of critical raw materials

18. March 2023. 13:30
On March 16th, the Commission proposed a comprehensive set of actions to ensure the EU's access to a secure, diversified, affordable and sustainable supply of critical raw materials.
  • The Regulation embeds both the critical and strategic raw materials lists in EU law. The Regulation sets clear benchmarks for domestic capacities along the strategic raw material supply chain and to diversify EU supply by 2030: 
  • At least 10% of the EU's annual consumption for extraction,
  • At least 40% of the EU's annual consumption for processing,
  • At least 15% of the EU's annual consumption for recycling, 
  • Not more than 65% of the Union's annual consumption of each strategic raw material at any relevant stage of processing from a single third country.

These are interesting objectives and we are looking forward to work along the synergies. Reagm more on teh Critical Raw Materails Act here.