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The first MeetUp at the University of Miskolc

24. March 2022. 13:25
We have a tendency to assume that people working for the same organization are knowing each other. Whenever we meet researchers from academia, it often turns out, the situation is quite the opposite.
We have a tendency to assume that people working for the same organization are knowing each other. Whenever we meet researchers from academia, it often turns out, the situation is quite the opposite. Even small universities with only a few hundred lecturers and researchers tend to develop silos that effectively hinder the development of multidisciplinary teams and projects internally.
CiRCLETECH has just started breaking down those silos organizing its first MeetUp on the February 15th 2023 for researchers atUNiversity of Miskolc combining world coffee with speed dates. Even within a few hours, they said things like: - “I never knew that she is just working on that field and that is so relevant to me, we will have a joint paper soon on this topic.” - We are looking forward to following up.